Episode 76: Tony Blauer (Part II) - Personal safety, self-defense, and combatives consultant

Today’s guest is Tony Blauer. In his return to the podcast, we dive deeper into the self-defense system and fear management program he’s created. We discuss the scenario-based approach to his self-defense system and why it’s called the Spear System. He emphasizes the importance of what it means to know fear, discusses the fear loop and how to get out of it, and provides tools people can use to better manage their fear. If you’re new to the show, I would encourage you to listen to part 1 of my conversation with Tony prior to this one. Part 1 goes over Tony’s background and upbringing and will provide you with the context to understand why he does the work that he does today.
00:03:05 How he went about creating his self-defense system
00:19:23 2 biggest things out of the 80s that drove the development of the Spear System and Know Fear
00:21:15 Simple rule on applying force in a fight
00:24:54 Why is it called the Spear System?
00:40:25 Idea for the Know Fear program
00:44:50 Change your relationship with fear, change your life
00:48:15 Fear management needs new management
00:54:50 Why a lot of people don't fight back
01:02:03 How people can get out of the fear loop
01:12:36 How business leaders can apply Know Fear principles
01:19:33 Why a lot of people just call him "Coach"
01:23:42 What he wants to accomplish 5 years from now
01:26:29 His daily routine
01:30:16 Parting words for the audience