Today’s guest is Patrick Todd. Patrick is an endurance athlete (notably having completed 3 iron distance triathlons and a 50k ultra-marathon) and he is the Co-Founder of Timer Guys, the premier race directing and timing company in the state of Kansas.
Today’s guest is Patrick Todd. Patrick is an endurance athlete (notably having completed 3 iron distance triathlons and a 50k ultra-marathon) and he is the Co-Founder of Timer Guys, the premier race directing and timing company in the state of Kansas. Formed by the merger of Oz Endurance and GoRace Management in 2016, Timer Guys was created to continue to grow the running community in the Midwest and directly owns over a dozen events and works with over 150 races each year (including last year’s Boston Marathon and many 100-mile races). In this interview, we get into the impact the current Pandemic situation has had on his business, the inspiration for starting Timer Guys, all of the various tasks and responsibilities involved in making a race run smoothly, and the rising popularity of gravel grinds and ultra-marathons.
00:02:31 Pandemic's impact on his business and the industry
00:09:03 How he's adjusted his training due to the Pandemic
00:12:03 When was the moment that he wanted to start a race planning and chip timing company
00:22:40 Odd jobs that he worked in New York
00:24:23 Insights gained from prior jobs that helped him to form Timer Guys
00:28:40 Overview of Timer Guys and the services they offer
00:32:40 Gravel grinds
00:38:05 How many races are they typically involved in per year
00:43:30 Who are their customers
00:44:42 The importance of preparing good food for ultra-runners
00:53:52 How far out do they start planning for a race
00:56:45 Race Day as a celebration
00:58:09 Races that have gone poorly
01:01:49 Ultimate vision for Timer Guys
01:03:10 Push-back he got for wanting to start the company
01:08:57 Why he does endurance sports and coaches
01:15:56 His first 50k race
01:18:15 Rise in popularity of ultra-running
01:25:16 His driving force
01:26:41 Advice for someone unhappy in their job but isn't sure when the right time is to leave to pursue their dream